How to begn Filming your diary
Let’s Get Started…
How to start video diary: Please record horizontally, not vertically, keeping your device as stable as you can. Try to always have the light facing you (It’s looks more flattering this way!)
Introduce yourself: Please say your name, age, when your due date is. Tell us where you are from and a little bit about yourself. Don’t be afraid to share how you are really feeling. Things are really stressful, and we are all in this together.
Tell us about your pregnancy? Are you excited? Is this your first baby? Please share any details
Describe how COVID-19 has affected you and your pregnancy? What has changed?
What are you most concerned about?
Are you sheltering-in-place? Are you nesting? How are you preparing for your baby?
Introduce your baby bump. Do you have any ultrasound pictures? Who does your baby look like?
Have your birth plans changed because of the pandemic?
How are you staying informed? What are your reading? Where are you finding the support you need?
How has COVID-19 affected your partner and family? Are they more concerned?
Show us your world by filming your home, nursery, your baby bump, what you are doing to keep busy and pass the time. Film yourself anywhere you might go: in your car, the grocery store, doctor’s office, taking a walk, etc. Are you wearing as mask? Do you and your partner read or sing to the baby? We would love to see it all.
Please include a photograph of you and your bump every time you submit. While we prefer horizontal pictures, we realize that vertical sometimes works better with a baby bump! Be as creative as you would like.
(If you prefer to be interviewed via Zoom, please contact Jessica Koscielniak to schedule a time)We will send additional questions for follow-up Diaries…
Submitting your video diary
When you submit a video, please include a brief paragraph about your experiences. You can submit once, daily, weekly or however often you want. We would love to follow you through this experience and MEET YOUR BABY!
Videos can be 30 seconds to 3 minutes. If you have have several clips to share — don’t worry, we will edit them together for you. If you are showing us your life (like your nursery or on a walk, in your car, doctors office, etc) video clips should be about 15-30 seconds each.
All entries can be submitted to Jessica Koscielniak through email (, Google Drive or WeTransfer. I will send specific instructions once you are ready to submit.
If you have another preference for submitting your video, please let me know.